7 Facts You Need To Know About Orthodontics

Last Updated: 05/12/2021Orthodontics

Orthodontics is the very first recognized specialty within the dental profession. If you are considering getting orthodontic treatment, Here are some facts about orthodontics that may surprise you.

1. “Orthodontics” is a word of Greek origin.

“Ortho” means straight or correct. “Dont” (not the word “don’t”) means tooth. Put them together, and “orthodontics” means straight teeth.

2. People have had crooked teeth for ages.

Since the time of Neanderthal man, crooked teeth have been one of the many problems. Archeologists have found Egyptian mummies with crude metal bands wrapped around teeth. Hippocrates wrote about “irregularities” of the teeth (misaligned teeth and jaws) around 400 BCE.

Thousands of years later, a French dentist, Pierre Fauchard, wrote about an orthodontic appliance in his 1728 landmark book on dentistry, The Surgeon Dentist: A Treatise on the Teeth. He described the bandeau, a piece of horseshoe-shaped precious metal that was literally tied to teeth to align them.

3. Orthodontics was the first dental specialty in 1900.

Edward H. Angle founded orthodontics. He was the first orthodontist: the first member of the dental profession to limit his practice to orthodontics only – moving teeth and aligning jaws.

4. Gold was used as the metal for braces around 1900.

Gold is malleable, so it was easy to shape it into an orthodontic appliance. And because of its malleability, it also stretches easily. Therefore, patients had to see their orthodontist frequently for adjustments that kept treatment on track.

5. Teeth move due to pressure over time.

Some pressure is beneficial for treatment, but some can be quite damaging. Teeth can be pushed out of place; bone can be distorted. Orthodontists use appliances to apply a constant, gentle pressure on teeth to guide them into their ideal positions. If the pressure is wrongly put over time, teeth can be pushed out of place; bone can be distorted.

6. Bone breaks down and rebuilds, so teeth can move.

“Osteoclasts” cells break down bones, while “osteoblast” cells rebuild bones. The process is called “bone remodeling.” A balanced diet helps support bone remodeling. So, feed your bones!

7. Orthodontic treatment is and should be a professional service.

An orthodontic appliance is not a commodity or a product. What type of appliance to use for teeth moving should be nothing more than a proper tool for the expert. Each tool has its uses, but not every tool is right for every job.

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